Research Institutions That Use KinTek Explorer

Aarhus University

Albert Einstein College of Medicine


Baylor College of Medicine

Boehringer-Ingelheim Ltd


California Technical Institute

Case Western Reserve University

Catalyst Biosciences, Inc

Cornell University

Drexel University

Genomics Research Center


Hannover Medical School

Harvard Medical School

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Indiana University-Purdue University

Institut Quimic de Sarria CETS

InterMune, Inc

Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen

Kansas University Medical Center

Laboratory of Molecular Physiology; National Heart Lung, Blood Institute; National Institutes of Health

Max-Planck-Institut fur Mol. Zellbiologie und Genetik

Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology

Mayo Clinic

Michigan State University

National Institute of Diabetes and Diabetes and Kidney Diseases/Laboratory of Molecular Biology

New England Biolabs

New York Medical College

Ohio State University

Pacific Biosciences

Penn State University

Pfizer, Inc

Princeton University

Roche Palo Alto

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

Southern Cross University-Australia

Stanford University

Texas A&M University

Thomas Jefferson University

University of Arizona

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Biomedical Research Center 1

University of Copenhagen

University of Illinois - Chicago

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland

University of Maryland Bethesda-Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology

University of Massachusetts Medical School

University of Medicine and Dentistry, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

University of Minnesota

University of Missouri

University of Nevada - Reno

University of New Mexico

University of Strathclyde

University of Tennessee

University of Texas

University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler

University of Vermont

University of Vermont College of Medicine

University of Vienna

US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense

Vanderbilt University

Washington University

Wesleyan University

Yale University