KinTek Explorer Chemical Kinetics Software
Advanced kinetics data fitting and simulation for Windows and OSX
Empowering Kinetics Research and Education
KinTek Explorer is simulation and data-fitting software for research and education designed specifically for the field of chemical kinetics. The heart of the software is an optimized simulation engine, providing real-time visual feedback as the user "scrolls" model parameters such as reaction-rate constants. This fluid interactivity affords an intuitive understanding of even complex reaction mechanism behavior, makes clear any interdependence of model parameters, and allows reasonable starting estimates for fitted parameters to be visually determined before fitting. Fast and fully-featured non-linear regression fitting tailored to fitting kinetics and equilibrium data of multiple experiments to a single unifying model with robust error analysis and publication-quality export of results complete the package.
The unlicensed version of the software is free and full-featured, and is especially useful for education in the fields of enzyme kinetics, protein folding, and pharmacodynamics.
We are committed to science and software excellence and welcome feedback on KinTek Explorer. We typically find and fix reported software issues within 24 hours, and often implement new features based on user request.
Ready to deep-dive into modern kinetic analysis? Attend our 4-day intensive workshop.
Designed by kinetics researchers and used by numerous organizations for more than a decade.